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MutsuYakumo (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 48
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Michigan
The Order of Nippon - 01-01-2009, 07:53 PM

Happy New Year everyone! I am MutsuYakumo, and I would like to publicly invite you to a group called The Order of Nippon. TON is not a clan; it’s a group that targets mature people who have a genuine interest in Japan. We want to promote intellectual discussions of Japanese culture, customs, and general interests while limiting American mainstream media. We promote membership thread support so members' topics of interests won’t be ignored, or cased aside, we have a once a month movie club, and tons of other fun ideas that will help members learn more about, and stay interested in Japan. Our hopes are that The Order of Nippon will ultimately raise the standard for Japan Forum, and enlighten people who are interested in Japan. Everyone’s welcome just post who, what, and why and we will PM you with more information. Or if you have any questions post them, and we'll try to get them answered A.S.A.P.

Who you are
What your interests are
Why you would like to join TON

You can pay for school, but you can't buy Class.
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