Originally Posted by Harold
The song says "kokoro hanarete iku" NOT "kokoro wa narete iku"
So the actual verb here is 離れる NOT 慣れる. So the sentence can be translated as "Although our hearts will part, you'll still be my love"
The oku here acts as a reference to the future, sort of. It has the meaning of like doing it right away for some sort of important reason. Here is a good explanation (it's where I learned it).
覚えておくため = "so that I can remember (it)"
Hm.... so both いく and おくcan be used for future tense?
verb in て form + いくmeans "going to do something" right? How about おく? After reading the webpage that you gave me, it seems like verb in てform + おく = will do something. Can they be interchanged?
Originally Posted by Harold
I'm not sure about this question about 言いきかせて. I asked about it myself because I don't know who it is directed to.
I know the meaning of 言い聞かせて。But I am not quite sure what does it exactly mean in 最後だと言い聞かせて & 最後まで言い聞かせて。
The first one means "I told myself that it's the end" and how about the second one? I know 最後まで measn "until the end"
Thank you for explaining it in details! Harold さん!