Originally Posted by MissHoneyBeeee
such a cute dress!  u should totally take pictures of urself in it when u get it 
arigatou!!! if i can get access to a camera/computer [since i don't know if i'll be home when i get it, im going to virginia on my 2nd week of Feb ffor vacation] i will definately take pictures!!! ^__^ i'm also gonna wear it to school when i get it, so yay!!! \O/ ^__^
Originally Posted by MissHoneyBeeee
thanks ^__^
yeah, i will do that  i've been searching through the shops posted on Lolita Clan, but i've only found one, but it's super cute!  then on In the Starlight i found a super cute skirt that could work too! <3
dress: AsiaJam.com Fashion Boutique | Eyelet Kiddy Lolita Bow Dress (sadly, the pink version is sold out T^T)
skirt: http://www.inthestarlight.com/skirts/skirt_170_2.jpg
cool!  i hope soon ur mother will let u get something lolita!  i hope my parents won't mind *hasn't shown anything to her parents yet...*
speaking of moms...i call my mom 'ama' LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL *headdesk* i say it so fast it no longer sounds like 'mama' LOL (don't ask why i choose mama tho XD)
i call my mom "mom". and i call my dad "daddy" even when i DON'T want something... <3~ i don't like asiajam, cause they have only small clothing for small people, unlike fanplusfriend, where you can have it custom-made to your physical traits and stuffs...
Originally Posted by KikiBunny23
Aw, get to feelin better MHB! And pink w/ white accents...hm, no. Try googling some lolita stores and, if they have one, use a search bar for a pink lolita dress.
My mom still won't let me get anything lolita, but I've been stocking up on knee high socks...I saw this plaid pair that was LIME GREEN!! I wanted them but I didn't have anything to go with them so I got the black/blue/white ones.
I'm a little happy though cus my mom has been a little more lenient on what I wear. I even wore this black shirt w/ this headband that had chibi clouds and rainbow and my lace arm sleeves to walmart. ^-^
Once I get a job though, I'm totally having my mom hook me up a paypal account and give her money to put on it so I can get me some lolita clothes
My mom actually LOVES lolita, since i was a mall goth for a few years, wearing all the Hot Topic stuffs with all the chains and stuffs... But when i got into the harajuku/lolita/japanese fashions, my mom loved it, and she even loves the visual-kei and punk harajuku fashions... <3 YAY!!! \O/ i guess thats the reaction you get when you're almost 18 too... <3~
Originally Posted by MissHoneyBeeee
T^T i'm coughing so hard! D: i've been sick all holiday break D: my throat is gonna DIE from being so sore and from me coughing so much D:
to be more on topic:
i got a really cute hello kitty bag that's kinda lolita! <3 i could totally wear it with a lolita dress if i had one XD any1 seen a good lolidress that's pink with white accents? i'll be looking, but i hope u guys can help me! 
i'm still sick, right after christmas eve at my [dads] grandma's house, i was taking medicine cause of the Kyo-cold, and i found out i was allergic to the medicine, and i have had hives since then. they're finally going away, but it sucked for the last week... T.T