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(#44 (permalink))
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mercedesjin (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: St. Thomas, USVI
01-03-2009, 01:52 AM

ONYX: The more I research, the more JET isn't necessarily the best. People consider it the best because it's so competitive, but there are smaller programs with a bigger chance of being accepted. AEON, for example. AEON offers many more chances in my opinion - chances to actually be a teacher rather than be thrown into the unspoken power struggle that is JET. (When I say that, I mean that I've heard of MANY circumstances where the English teacher will be upset he or she has been given an ALT, and ultimately ignore the ALT rather than let them be a part of the lesson.)

And hey, if you want to go to Japan and be paid for not doing shit, maybe that is a good option. I kind of want to learn how to be a teacher, though. AEON gives training. AEON gives opportunities for promotion, which will eventually lead to being paid MUCH more than JET. Plus, there's more of a chance that the teachers won't be put in the middle of nowhere. I love rural areas, grew up in a rural area, but there's a difference between rural area and remote fishing village, or rocky cliff - population: 10.

So JET is a good choice, but there are many more options out there that might be better depending on the type of person you are.
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