Originally Posted by Yuna7780
Who did you think would forget, Honey?
bleh. I'm starting to regret some of the classes I've taken so far... *Cries* I wish I haven't done choir the past year and a half. I wish I would've taken art or something that isn't as annoying as choir has been lately.
I've been inspired recently to get into the arts and make something of myself where you are judged differently.
I'm going to start designing my own t-shirts soon, though! I'm going to put photos onto my PSP, take in the memory stick to Wal-Mart... and Shazam! I can make t-shirts, coffee mugs, blankets, hoodies, etc! of the images in my PSP!!!! WHOOO!!
But when I have time... I want to practice baking a completely new cake I haven't made before. I haven't made a cake since the end of summer, due to the fact I have TONS of homework. Plus, I've eaten so many sweets during Christmas, I need to lay off for a while.
hahah, not sure who ;D
aww, i love choir D: but my choir class isn't annoying, so i wouldn't know XD my choir class is full of fun people and an awesome teacher who is so much FUN <3 he's sooooo cool and always knows how to make the class laugh!

we're always clapping like he's Oprah and we're the audience XD he'll joke around and be like "you get a car and you get a car and you get a car! *points at random people*

" hahah

i made a tshirt design during the summer and my mom never helped me make it into a real shirt! D:< i'mma make more too!
aww, i hope you can try out some more sweets!
i'm going to make some designs for the cafe (:< tshirts that support lolitas, cute little lolita skirts, those weird jrock things that go on your calf, etc.~~<3333~~