Originally Posted by KikiBunny23
Haha, seems like we're perfect to make a cafe. We all have different talents. MHB can make designs and such, I can sew cute little heart things, Yuna can bake cakes, Love can...well, I'm not sure haha. I prolly just forgot *sweatdrop*
i like how you call me MHB

it just makes things so much easier XD *adds that to her signature*
I can sew too! <3 normally I follow a pattern though hahah. But I agree, it is a good thing we have different talents!
I would probably make the actual patterns to the clothes all messed up (tis why I failed at my Halloween Cat Hat D: )
Hmm...I can make bags XD GASP, those will be my jobs. playing music(cuz i'm the master of music *jkjk*), designing products, make bags, sidewalk-sell, work the front desk, and show people around the shop XD