aishiteru bis
Posts: 1,171
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Wonderland
01-03-2009, 10:04 AM
when i first heard music from Maximum the Hormone i was like "eff yea! this is awesome!!"
then when i looked them up on photobucket i was like "WHAT THE-!"
but the look has grown on me since then and now i like it^^
random thought: i dont really like when people stop listening to a bands music because they stop dressing up. i've noticed that lots of people arent too happy with Dir En Grey because they arent so VK anymore. i think they're getting hotter with age (all of that was a personal opinion)
i always cry out with the music filled with memories of the four seasons....
we shared....
Shunsuke, forever in my heart <3
i own Seika, Tsukasa, Hiroki, Kenzo, Tooru, Ruka, Mofto, Ediee, Ryuto, Sou, Enik, Hiko, Death-O, Nii, Ryohei, Keita, Ryuichi half of Teruki and half of Kei
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