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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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01-04-2009, 09:08 PM

I think its awesome i mean i love all religions but sometimes not mine.T_T

i wondered all my life about me and why i was so pale but didnt know why i have indian blood and mexican blood until my mom told me the story of all the different religions that were in my family giving me a hard time trying to sort stuff out because i mean super pale skin blue eyes but why did i have mexican blood and indian blood it was because of my grate grate grandmother from my dads side had married to a mexican and then had my dads grate grandma and so on and my moms side had mexican and american blood but always really pale skin no matter how much sun i never tan and my mom says im lucky but i sun burn and thats so unlucky but i have awesome stories that has been passed down my family.XD

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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