JF Regular
Posts: 73
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Fort lauderdale, FL USA
01-05-2009, 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by discoiskinky
I dont want to get into some debate over personal tastes and such and i apologise for my overly opinionated response. But yes i am aware of different types of suits and have a waredrobe full of them myself (being a designer for a brand that makes suits) but a suit in any sense means matching trousers and tailored jacket, and to me that is a bit full on and uncomfortable for dancing and such at a club, at a bar or lounge i could understand that being appropriate. A blazer or tailored jacket over a tee at a club is as close to suited up I would get but I would check that in on arrival anyway.
Point in close is, to the original poster, just dress comfortably and however you want to dress. If you get declined for not dressing properly does that really seem like a club you would want to go to anyway?
Here are some shots from the Jeremy Scott fashion after party @ La Fabrique i stumbled across on TokyoDandy:

nice pic by the way. 