yeah, he was on
Welcome to Gaia | Gaia Online -__- he asked me out, i said yes *fails* and then we didn't see eachother for three months. then we started hanging out when he was able to go on again, then he never really was on, then my friends said that once when i was away on a cabin trip, he cheated on me for 2 or 3 days, then i found out that he had a real life girlfriend, never talked to him after that
turned out when we hung out, he was never there really :P i was glad i got rid of him! D|< our whole group of friends were dating eachother until then, cause after that the group began falling apart and we haven't talked sad D:
and now my friend Katie and I agreed to never online date again D:< i only had one, so i don't mind

she had like 4 while me and that guy were dating hahah