01-05-2009, 05:26 AM
Obviously different people have different situations.
As a public school teacher, I was a salaried employee and was encouraged to go home at a certain time each day. Some of my colleagues grumbled when asked to take over certain club duties. The reason was it would add 1 to 3 hours to their average work day, with no increase in pay.
Let's also keep in mind that a salaryman's long day isn't always in the office. One real estate man I know spends 9 out of 10 days off golfing with his co-workers. He doesn't always want to, but it is basically a required function in his office. In winter they play in Kyushu. He has to pay for the bullet train, and the company only covers a bit of the hotel and club fees.
In some companies the boss or managers like to socialize with staff after work, sometimes with dinner, then barhopping. This can lead to long and late nights off the clock, but not being able to go home.