Thread: Piercings
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TalnSG (Offline)
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01-05-2009, 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by MGS4 View Post
I had my nipple pierced for several years. I did not hurt to get it pierced, but it did feel weird!

I loved having it. Not to get TOO much into detail, but it made my nipple very sensitive, but in very good way!!
Kinda the major reason for doing them.

I ended up taking it out though. It had gotten infected a couple time, and I never new why. I took care with it. Nothing serious, just didn't like the hassle of going through that anymore.
Sometimes the body just rejects a piercing and it finds whatever way possible. Some just migrate to till there is no skin on one sidde of the hole, but others never heal completely (thought they may seem to) and develop an intolerance to even benign contamination. I had a friend who's nipple piercing were unusually deep and they though they looked fine from the outside, one of them never completely healed. Every time she changed the rings, that one needed special care to avoid infection.

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