Thread: Anarchy
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OliveJuice (Offline)
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01-06-2009, 07:55 AM


I don't know about COMPLETE anarchy, cuz if everyone went around doing whatever they wanted, everyone would be dead lol, or mamed at the very least.

I do however like the idea of an anarchy lite lol. Watered-down anarchy. The idea of government isn't the enemy in my opinion, it's the heartless, money-hungry bigots that end up running the government that's the problem lol. Government is a beautiful idea, as long as the people in power have a SOUL, truly have the country's best interest at heart, and work with and for the people, and not do everything they can to oppress them.
(Boo for run-on sentences lol)

But I can count on NO hands how many times that's happened lol. I don't know if it ever will in my lifetime, but it'd be lovely.

Just my thoughts ::shrugs::.....

Love more. Hate less.

Last edited by OliveJuice : 01-06-2009 at 07:59 AM.
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