Thread: Anarchy
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minimin (Offline)
Reeta-Leena Korhola
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01-06-2009, 08:43 AM

Yeah I agree I watch the news tho, when they say stuff about how good Govt and politicians are helping, its hard to believe tho. What you see on tv does change your perception of reality. I say trust no one with news they tell you unless you hear it yourself. I see the government as a money hungry waste, as much as you put into it its never enough and you still suffer of course they wouldnt have it any other way.

I say violence is a good thing if it makes someone change there ways. very good thing and definitely helpful at proving a point. Usually you see violence is the only way to change a problem.

P.S. I like this thread, and I don't really much try to change peoples minds of anything.

Rest in peace Kyle <3
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