TheLastFortnight- True that, I'm vegetarian because I don't like the way they kill and treat the animals. But if plants did feel pain, maybe we just can't hear their noises becuase it's too high for us to hear, or maybe they don't even have a voicebox at all
I don't even think they have brains...
KikiBunny23-Geez, I've never seen it in real life, just on Earthlings and read up on it, those poor chickens =[
JoshAussie- That's great, have you found it hard at all. Or did your taste for meat just go away?
GregFromScotland- Thanks, I'm sure they don't appreciate being called veggies though, I know I sure don't. But you do have a point, trying to force things on other people isn't right. But that's good you don't bother them if they don't bother you.
Has anyone seen EARTHLINGS? I have, it's horrific