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Posts: 291
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: in Kyo's pocket!! i love this pocket!!! so warm and little... <3~
This Month's Artist/fashion Icon -
01-08-2009, 04:35 AM
OKKKKKKK!!!!! (lolita clan members, Lolita thread members & new Japanese music fans: {check it out!!!} We will now start to have featured Artists HOT in the fashion scene of Japan for the month. I will post it every month, starting this month, and it will last until the next day of the next month it started in. (ex: today is Jan. 7th, next months artist doesnt start until Feb. 7th *unless i am not here... ^__^ then i will text kiki and ask her to pick one*)
This month's artist is Hot in the scene of Harajuku fashion.This month's artist is... *drumroll, please!!! * ^__^Dj SiSeN!!! yay!!! *cheers* Background: SiSeN, only wanting to be a underground Dj, has made his name popular by working in the Takyua Angel Shop (i believe it's in Tokyo), and playing various clubs around the area. The way he has made his name popular around the States is that he has toured with the famous band, BLOOD, for a few years. He is famous for being Takyua's model, being the most colorful. He is 22 years old, and is engaged to a German guy... He is a model (as stated above) and a Tokyo Decadancer (Dj for fetish/gothic clubs).I really love the guy, and he has some cool music. His tracks include: Cereal Killer, Brutal, SaGa (for the pervesss... <3 i love the track, BTW), and The Carnival Of Blood. He plays goth-fetish-p0rno music at the shows he plays. He also dances really good!!! ^__^ now we will have links and pics of our featured artist, Dj SiSeN!!! ^__^
Myspace:SiSeN - Male - JP - www.myspace.com/sisen
{i made this next one ->}

YAY!!! <3 i claim him, since i love him so much!!! -^__^-
*if you have a request for a month's artist, please PM me... next month's is probably going to be... *won't tell!!!* -^__^-