Thread: Lolita Clan
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(#440 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
Fashion, Games + Art Mod.
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Join Date: Mar 2008
01-08-2009, 07:15 PM

Okay right, I'll give you some instructions as to how to record things and such.

On most computers there is already a recording program.

Go to the Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder.

Now if you have that open, you'll notice that it only records 30 seconds, and you'll want to talk longer than that. So, record a 30 second blank sound, and save it as Blank 1.

Then open up Blank 1 again, and then press Edit > Insert File > Choose Blank 1. This will make it 1 minute long. Keep doing that until you have enough time to record, and save that as Blank 2.

To record your podcast, drag the slider to the start and just record over Blank 2.

Once you've finished, just go to 'Save As' and Save your podcast as anything you want.

If you want a song, say 'Song Here' then the name of the song and artist. I will then paste the song into the podcast where you want it.

If you mess up you can either a) Restart or b) wait for a few seconds and carry on, and I will cut out your mistake. Let me know if you made one though.

And that's it! Anymore questions, I'll be happy to answer.
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