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(#17 (permalink))
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reihiino (Offline)
The North Remembers
Posts: 571
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Location: TARDIS
01-10-2009, 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by minimin View Post
Most days I have really tight curls and they make my hair look shorter than it is about alittle past the neck. I need to go to a professional. Id like to have looser curls atleast. then My hair would atleast look longer length. Some times Id do perms at home and my hair would look alittle straighter be easier to manage but still, Id have to go through the curls.
same with mine. its been so long that i had let it dry naturally that i didnt realized how short my hair is...10 years ago it was longer. cuz the heat treatment is expensive for me, im planning on getting a touch up sometime in June. which means no moving my head for 3 hours & stinking up the salon too T_T

s the 10th doctor
s Verbal & Taku
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