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(#26 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
Fashion, Games + Art Mod.
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01-10-2009, 09:30 AM

I had my hair cut short, and while it looked okay I really missed my long hair. There isn't a lot you can do with short hair and it basically looks the same all the time, there's nothing you can do with it on formal occasions or going out, you can't curl it or anything. While it's easier to manage it depends what your priority is I suppose.

I don't think one looks more sophisticated than the other, every style suits people different and short hair made me look actually a lot younger than I am. Maybe you'd want that if you were an older women but I prefer to look my age atm. xD

Last edited by MissMisa : 01-10-2009 at 09:33 AM.
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