01-11-2009, 03:02 PM
Hi. I translated your letter but it’s free translation.
I don’t understand what O is.
Dear Tomoko ともこさんへ。
I am very sorry that I have not written sooner, I know that almost a year has gone by.
すぐにお手紙を書かなくてごめんなさい。ほとんど一年 が過ぎてしまいましたね。
My life has been full of busy events and the likes, but I do have something good to announce.
わたしはいろいろなことで忙しくしていました。でも、 ちょっといいことがあったんですよ。
Two new members have been introduced into my family.
Dolce is a Shih Tzu puppy.
He is very funny when it comes to his playful antics.
Trigger is my horse.
I bought him in early October. He is the colour of the sun, and I know you would like him very much.
10月のはじめに買いました。太陽の色をしています。あ� ��たは彼のことはよく知っているわよね。
The semester is almost over school, so I am happy to be beginning a new term with new classes. 今学期もほとんど終わりなので、新しい学期に新しいク ラスが始まるのがうれしいです。
School is going quite well at the moment. How is your new high school?
学校のほうは今のところとてもうまくいっています。あ なたの新しい高校はどうですか?
There is a girl in my art class name Jess.
She is from Hong Kong.
She is friends with Hideko who is from Japan, she reminds me of you. God, I miss your family so much.
彼女は日本から来たヒデコの友達で、わたしはヒデコと 会うとあなたを思い出します。あなたとあなたの家族が とてもなつかしいです。
It has been raining here a lot.
Luckily on Christmas we got some snow, which is very rare in Sooke, especially on Christmas!
ラッキーなことに、クリスマスには少し雪が降りました 。それってsookeではめったにないことなんですよ、特に� ��リスマスには!
It's funny how sometimes I wake up in the morning, wishing for your mother's cooking.
朝、目が覚めると、ときどきあなたのお母さんのクッキ ーをたべたくなるのが不思議です。
Tell her that her meals brought my stomach great joy.
あなたのお母さんに、お料理がとってもおいしかったと 伝えてください。
Also, please thank Shouko for being such a good translator.
それと、シュウコに、通訳をしてくれてありがとうと伝 えてください。
I don't think O would be able to get by without her excellent translation skills.
彼女のすばらしい通訳がなかったら、Oはどうにもなら� �かったでしょう。
And Tomoko, thank you, I truly mean it.
Without your help, I wouldn't be able to understand a word.
あなたが助けてくれなかったら、わたしは一言もわから なかった。
Please say hello to Miku and Hikari for me, I miss them!
With love, Alex.
P.S. The spare bedroom is always open for you.
I wish we had more time together, but hopefully that will change.
もっと一緒にいられたらよかったんだけど、次回に期待 します。
I am holding up a job right now, so maybe I'll be able to visit someday soon.
今は勉強をがんばっています。またすぐにいつか、会い にいけると思います。
Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.
If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.
I  YamaP