Originally Posted by esak
i love you so much
(watashi ha anata ga daisuki desu)
i cant express 1/3 of what i feel for you or what you mean to me
私は、私があなたに思っていること、あなたが私に言っていることを 1/3も表現できません。
(watasi ha atanani omotteirukoto, anataga itteirukoto wo 1/3 mo hyougenn dekimasen)
"what you mean to me" may be not correct translation. If this sentence is another word, what sentense is this such like?
Where have you EVER heard a person say "私は、あなたが大好きです。"? I certainly haven't in my rather long life as a native Japanese speaker.
And the next sentence with
five pronouns...
You will hardly ever find five pronouns on a whole page in Japanese, let alone in a sentence!