Thread: Gap year
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JF Ossan
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01-12-2009, 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by are1989 View Post
UK citizens are allowed to stay up to 90 days without a visa, then apply for an extension of up to another 90 days while in japan. And I have booked flexible flights due to being a student so I can change my return date if need be or cancel the flights and only lose £100.

Edit: I found a better flight for £650 that goes to fukuoka. Leaving me a little more money.
You need a visa to enter Japan. A tourist visa will be issued to you upon your arrival. I have never heard of being able to apply for an extended visa while in Japan before. Some people leave and go to Korea for a day and come back, but they are being more strict about that now, and aren't always letting people back in.
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