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Lucas89 (Offline)
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Reading for beginners - any book recommendations? - 01-12-2009, 08:20 PM

I tried to search the forums for a thread like this but had a bit of a hard time finding anything so if a thread like this already exists please point me to it.

I like to read as much as I can in Japanese but find it difficult to find books that wouldn't be too advanced for me at my current level, although i haven't been studying for very long i can normally figure out the meanings of most sentences (I mainly struggle a little when the conversation is super casual/colloquial since my vocabulary is quite limited and i can't tell when words are being shortened etc.)

So i wondered, do you have any recommendations for Books/Manga/Magazines/Anything for beginners or even intermediate Japanese learners to read?

So far i read the following:
無限の住人 Vols 1,2,3,4 and 5 (I have the first 2 in the translated English from before i started learning Japanese which is nice)
サムライ・チャンプル Vol.1 (Vol 2 doesnt seem to exists anywhere other than and unfortunatly my current card isn't accepted there ¬_¬)
(Nothin' like a couple of good children's books )
And i have 5 graded reader short stories for Japanese learners.

Most of my reading is done from the internet but i would like to read more books, so if you have any recommendations i would be most grateful
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