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Wasabista (Offline)
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Location: Saitama
Security cams in changing/bathing areas of sentos - 01-13-2009, 02:27 AM

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

I went with a couple of buddies to a sento in a nearby town. This is one of the "new wave" sentos that is more like a Kenkoland, it has a variety of indoor and outdoor baths to choose from, soap and shampoo provided, toiletries available for sale, etc. Nice.

So we pay and walk in, and I notice the ceiling in the changeroom is absolutely festooned with security cameras!

There are also cams inside the bathing area, though here at least there's so much steam I'm sure they're useless (also how do you steal stuff naked?)

This is ridiculous, and I told my (Japanese) buddies so. They thought I was making something out of nothing.

Am I the only one who thinks this is an outrage?
Do they have these cams in the ladies section too?
I'm not sure whether I'd be more angry if they do (could be stolen for porn!) than if they don't (discrimination!).

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