Originally Posted by Thief
help MissMisa by not tellin' lies 
Sure, I'll tell her the truth again.
Disregard the troll - the government conspiracy crap is a bunch of nonsense perpetuated by 14 year olds with no knowledge of civics who believe everything they read on the internet. And even if black helicopters and the Illuminati and shadow governments were real, it has nothing to do with art school.
Thief, when you move out of your parents' house you'll realize that revolution isn't going to put food on the table. It generally involves being gunned down by people more powerful and smart than you. As it stands, you're helping ruin a perfectly good thread with your trite Socialist foolishness.
Oh! I wish I was in the land of Ramen
Otaku there are not downtrodden
Kawaii! Kawaii! Kawaii, Desu Ne!
Defender of the Scholar, Scourge of the Otaku, Savior of Japan