Originally Posted by Salvanas
Aye, I truly understand you there. I wasn't having a go at you or anything like that.
It's the flaw in the system sadly. But again, the loan is your best bet.
Just to clarify though, we are all in lots of shit these days.
Here's my predicament. I'm going to join a Film School, and my course costs 17,5k per year, and it's a two year course. To add onto that, the camera itself I need, costs around 2k, and the programme (Downloadable, but no guarantee) that I need for editing, is around 600 pounds.
My parents, together, earn less than 15k a year. So you're not the only one in a tight squeeze 
No I know you weren't having a go, I go into rant mode at the whole system when I just think about it haha xD
Seems we are both in trouble. I also need to fork out for the computer, the software, A LOT of software [Maya, Zbrush, 3DSMax etc.] I'm using student learning editions but I can't have the Maya logo slapped all over my final project :/ I did a photography course, I can see where you were coming from, when he told me how much the camera I was holding cost I was mortified haha!
My friends for some reason are not bothered about the whole money thing.
Maybe I should just chill out but I want to be ready and clued up about the whole thing!