Originally Posted by MissMisa
I did work experience at the BBC and my Dad knows a guy that works there. They were impressed when I went, and I got a good reference, but I think companies only sponsor you if you are going to work for them, in normal circumstances anyway. I could try there, but I have no idea. I'm not sure about my Dad's company either, but it's possible. I've contacted a ton of games companies but it's so hard to get them to even take you on for a day, let alone pay for Uni. It's the same with the BBC in the sense your best bet is to know someone on the inside. I'll definitely look into it though, anything is worth a shot.
Noooooo... That's not true at all... There aren't many sponsors which tie you down to a company. The company will usually try to attract you to the job and get you to stay with them etc, but rarely (I've never heard of any actually) do they say you have to work for them afterwards... First of all, that's a bad choice on the companies behalf anyway, because they don't know if you're competent. It may seem like the company is just giving away free money, but they actually do benefit a lot from sponsored students... an example of how is; they get the benefit of the students skills and knowledge for cheap, even if it's for a short period of time!