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(#45 (permalink))
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Gwen_Goth (Offline)
Posts: 478
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Location: Swansea, Wales
01-13-2009, 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
Problem is, I need to make a show reel of my films, and my current camera doesn't cut it. Nor does my current editing program. I'm going to need to acquire them to show my full potential.

Aye, the course'll provide the equipment, like green screens, lighting, sound studios, the cameras and all that. But the problem is getting into the course first.

I'd say do your best with what you've got; they are actually forgiving when it comes to the quality, especially if you explain how you're working within your limitations..

what will get you into the course more than anything is your ideas, your expression of those ideas and your enthusiasm.

-~Moddess ~-

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