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(#226 (permalink))
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TheCrimson (Offline)
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01-14-2009, 12:41 AM

Originally Posted by Yuna7780 View Post
What gives me inspiration and makes me feel awesome is reading The Bible, going to church, praying, etc. :| Not all Awesome Members are Jesus Hatahs.

ANYWHO! Lots of people are leaving JF. I think we need to liven up this forum and make it a partial duty to the Awesome Clan. We don't want it to go to waste, yes-yes?

Lets plot to make it awesome and rekindle the flames of those who don't find joy in JF anymore. This is my proposal.
i know a lot of people are leaving. its been happening for ages. i left for a while, just cause 80% of the people here are unbearably stupid and fangirlish. i only came back for Yin and Nanny at first, but i made a few more friends since i came back again. but yea, i dont blame people for leaving. i dont think there's anything we can do xD other than eliminating the shit people. but that would mean 80% of the people here xD

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