Greetings fellow Japanese enthusiast! This is my first day on the forum since January 1st, when I made learning Japanese one of the resolutions for year 2009! So here I am trying to pick things up.
To really push myself to learn Japanese, I have (paid and) created a small site to take down notes as I go through learning the language. You know, to think and write down notes is one of the ways to learn it better, too!
My friend who is very proficient in Japanese language has helped review my site content and she brought a great deal of improvements to the site! I figure with the help from many other people on the forum, I can even make this a lot better than it is right now.
My friend thought the sentences on it are too “informal” and learning Japanese should start with formal sentences. I am just two weeks into Japanese language and there is no way for me to “fine tune” the sentences on the page to a “more formal” version. I am sure you folks are the best persons to help me on this.
Here is the page address: Particles in Japanese Language
(I know starting it off with particles is not a good idea, oh well...)
Thanks in advance!!