Originally Posted by Keaton421
This is completely unhelpful, but if you haven't seen the movie Ping Pong, check it out when you've got a chance Ping Pong (2002). I think you'll like it.
I have always wanted to buy that movie, but I have other Japanese films I want to buy first...
About the whole ping pong thing... My best friend and I always starting playing innocently, but then it starts to get violent and somebody ends up getting hurt each time we play ping pong... I seriously don't understand how it gets that way, but we have so much fun every time!!
Go to the Olympics. I'm sure there can help you there? I've never heard of a place where you can train your ping ponging skills.
Come to my school because my friend and I are trying to make a useless skills club (we honestly are) and one of our highlights is ping pong.