Thread: NHK fees
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(#22 (permalink))
blimp (Offline)
Posts: 270
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Tokyo
01-16-2009, 01:16 AM

licensing fees are not that uncommon in many european countries and the legislation is usually worded the same way. u "need" to pay a license fee if u own a monitor which has the ability to receive visual broadcasting. in simple terms it means that u r required to pay if u own a working tv, it doesn't matter whether u use it or whether or not u r actually watching the channel that receives the fee, in japan NHK. it actually also includes tv-tuner card on computers. now as for tv broadcasting received by mobiles i don't know for certain. it's not yet that common in europe and therefore, as far as i know, mobiles r not included in the legislation.

the license fee also covers the cost of running state-runned, tax-funded radio stations, such as BBC radio or NHK radio, but u don't need to pay for any radio u might own, only for ur visual broadcast receiving monitor.

xpid, i know it has only been a day or two, but could u pls indicate the sources where u found the penalties for not paying the license fee.

1. Fines from 500M to 1.36B yen
2. Confiscation of the TV set
3. Imprisoment from 15-50 years(Prefecture dependant)
"TV Licence evasion: never fair, never right, ALWAYS ILLEGAL"

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