Thread: NHK fees
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01-16-2009, 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by xpid View Post
Like the United Kingdom(England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), If you own a TV set in Japan, whos purpose is to watch televised programmes over the air, by a paid service(Cable and Satellite), then by law YOU DEFINITELY NEED A TV LICENCE!!!!!!!!!! AND PAID EVERY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the UK, the fine for not obtaining a TV licence or not paying the fee every year as the British law states will be up to 1000 sterling pounds. But in Japan, they're even bigger:

1. Fines from 500M to 1.36B yen
2. Confiscation of the TV set
3. Imprisoment from 15-50 years(Prefecture dependant)

If you don't have it up-to-date, you're watching whilst others pay, and at the same time, RISKING BIG PENALTIES!!!!!!!

"TV Licence evasion: never fair, never right, ALWAYS ILLEGAL"

was no 1 else left scratching their head at why an 18year lad from puerto rico is so passionate about warning ppl against not payin for ther tv license in japan? that is so weird to me

/shoot to thrill
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