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JF Ossan
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01-18-2009, 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
If you are in America, you can usually find "Kikujiro" at Blockbuster, it's a pretty good movie which shows an interesting side of Japan. Another movie which I like is called "Enlightenment Guaranteed". It's not a Japanese movie, but a German movie filmed in Japan. It's hilarious, I've watched it several times, and I still like to see it from time to time.

Otherwise, there aren't a great deal of good Japanese movies. I too enjoyed the Zatoichi films, and a couple of the other ones mentioned here, but the majority of Japanese films are too contrived, or bizarrely neurotic. Thankfully most theaters here show many western films, which are generally more popular than films produced in Japan.
But some of the best directors in the world are from Japan. At least they were. "Seven Samurai" is one of my favorite movies of all time, and is certainly one of the world's masterpiece cinematic treasures. Almost all of the Kurosawa/Mifune movies were hard to find fault with, but Seven Samurai is the cream of the crop.

It almost doesn't feel right in a thread that has "One Missed Call 2" and "Three Extremes" in it, but here would be my list:

1. Seven Samurai

2. Tampopo

3. High and Low

4. Yojimbo

5. Red Beard

6. Ikiru

7. The Hidden Fortress.

8. Kazoku Geemu (The Family Game)

9. Hanabi

10. Monday

11. Unlucky Monkey

12 Sonatine

13 Audition

14 Boiling Point
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