Seifuen Orphanage contact number -
01-18-2009, 06:17 AM
In case anyone out there speaks Japanese and would like to call the
Seifuen Orphanage to let them know that what they are doing is wrong,
their number is: from Japan 0956-24-5080 or from outside Japan:
81-956-24-5080. All that we want from them right now is to allow
my wife to drop off a birthday present to her son, not even to see him,
because we already know that they will not allow her to visit them in
person because they are afraid that she will tell them that we are going
to get custody soon and they don't want us to get their hopes up.
I'm sure this all started because it was more important to her ex husband
for his kids to remain Japanese citizens than to be with their real mother who is married to an American and his kids to become American citizens. That is the only thing that I can imagine or the Orphanage is just greedy for the
money from the government of Japan and it's more important for them to
get the money than to let the kids go back to their mother. My wife
does not work so she can be with them and provide the care and love they need and my income is plent enough to provide a much higher standard of living than they could ever experience in the orphanage. Thank you.