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NishiHime (Offline)
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Smile 01-18-2009, 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by AngelRage01 View Post
Just wondering who's a vegetarian and why, I feel so alone, no one I know is a vegetarian and they all treat me like crap because I am.
And call me anorexic =.="
So I would really appreciate it if anyone else is like me so I have someone to talk to about it.
I would really appreciate it =]
hi AngelRage I'm not entirely a vegetarian (I love salmon, shrimp chicken, pork & beef too much to give them up) but I do stick to a generally large vegetable diet with soy & tofu based products for health reasons. More and more we read about how diets rich in animal-based products aren't healthy and it should be on a moderate scale with most of our diet composed of fruits and vegtables. Here in the U.S. we're heavy on the beef and pork and chicken and not so good about filling up on veggies.

I'm so sorry that anyone would say something so cruel as calling you anorexic - that's beyond messed up.

An interesting fact is that people who eat a lot of animal proteins (like beef) tend to be more angry & aggressive people and health gurus blame it on the animal hormones within the meat.

You're better off than most of us I think because of your choice to be vegetarian. Have you checked out or ? The latter has an awesome video on Spinach-Asparagus wraps that looks sooooo good

- Nishi

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