Originally Posted by TomoyaIchigo
Like I asked... is reality always bitter? I dun think so... I have seen such guy n girl outside... but ya... obviously it's rare... but I was jux wondering if they r common in Japan...
Plus, hey you know what? Literature and Noval (or even manga) reflects the real culture of the writer's native country.
Yes, reality is often bittersweet. People make stupid choices in novels.
I'd say literature more accurately reflects the author's fantasies than reality.
Most of the plot are based on school life and they were written as if japanese guys are either perverted or really idiot who doesn't even know what a girl want. On the other hand, the girls, in manga, are very pretty, yet they fight each other to be GF of those good-for-nothing male lead.
This is actually 100% true. Guys are, more often than not, perverted idiots. But if they're attractive or confident enough, girls will swarm over a guy that'll treat them like dirt. They're seeking to avoid puppy-dog wimpy guys, and in the process hit the other end of the spectrum - complete assholes. I'm not blaming women, but these days it must be difficult to find a decent man.
I know most of japan guys are really bright and talented.

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