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koekoeka (Offline)
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01-19-2009, 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
I have a question about "you".
You know, every grammar book of Japanese says the same things posted in this thread about the use of I and you. I read in the past that あなた can actually be kinda impolite for how redundant it can sound. Thus a big use of it can become, not offensive, but annoying.

I write a lot back and forth with a Japanese guy and I noticed that sometimes (when he needs to use the pronoun you) he uses あなた and sometimes he uses ジジさん or ジジさんの instead of your (that is my real name). I started using it too (you know...we learner are very copycat ) tho I don't know if this use is formal or if there are only certain occasions when you can do it...any explanation?
Can you translate that hiragana? I'm cant really read hiragana yet
I can understand a little of your hiragana symbols but not all
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