01-19-2009, 10:48 PM
hehehe, When I was little, don't remember how old, around what, 3,4? I used to play Banjo Kazooie.
I loved that game a lot, but whenever I went game over and they would mutate Banjo's little Sister (w/e she is to him) and she turned into that big monster, I was like: Mommy Mommy, T_T and went scared to my mother xD
My parents were telling me It's just a game etc. But It scared the crap outta me by then.
Also when I was around 13 years old (I'm currently 15 now) I played Doom 3 on my pc and went on teamspeak because else It would scare the LIVING CRAP outta me, period.
But I got a little bit far and stopped after that and haven't tried to go further out of laziness or even fear.
Also when I almost became 15 (still 14 for the lazy matherz lol), that was some months ago, I played Dead Space.
It scared the crap out of me even now, because it would be like total silence and then a freakin monster jumps out of the window when I'm standing near it xDD
I WAS LIKE SHIIIIT and shot multiple times.
Also with the baby monsters when they came around the corner it scared me because it was so freakin sudden and also with the sound.
So yeah... that's my bigass story (sorry if u get bored) xD