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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-20-2009, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by bELyVIS View Post
I am baseing my opinion on my observations while dating and on my friends. Please don't misunderstand that I feel this is a bad thing. It just is a cultural thing. I have never seen so many 30 year old women carrying "Kitty Chan" purses, and where else is "Kawaii" so important?
In America I think we push the girls to grow up faster. This explains why you see 10 year olds wearing mini skirts and make up. This is also a cultural thing. Not good or bad in my opinion, just different.
Of course there are always exceptions to every rule, but that is what generalizations do. They take what is most prevalant in a society and use that to describe it.
I'm not misunderstanding... just disagreeing with your opinion based on your observations/perceptions simply because my perceptions/observations are completely different and I'm not willing to jump to any conclusions based on them.