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CarleyGee (Offline)
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01-20-2009, 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by Onyx View Post
Im surprised that some people cant understand why they're making such a big fuss over this. So, i guess i just put it this way, this will be one of the 1st things kids from now on will learn in Black history month, and it'll forever be burned into American history doesn't matter if "(he's half white)" This is a pretty epic & historical event, even non Americans can understand this, i don't get how you cant understand the significance Anyways, i just hope you fixes what bush destroyed.
I don't understand why everyone is making a big deal out
of him being "BLACK" when he's not even full black. That's
what I don't get. He's just as much white as he is black.
That's all I was saying.

Did any of our past presidents have other ethnicity's in them?
Just curious...

... I don't really want to go into this further, because
most people on here are Obama Supporters, so I guess
it's all just on your opinions.

Anyone supporting Obama won't understand where I'm
coming from and I won't understand where they're
coming from.

It's too much controversy.
Also, I don't think just because I'm "young" I won't
understand topics like this, because for my age, I'm
actually very mature and intelligent.


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