Originally Posted by CarleyGee
Also, I'm not saying the election is the same
as all the other ones, it does have significance
because of how many lives it's happening to
change and such, I just don't see that as a
person he is any different from the previous
presidents. (excluding skin color)
If that's how it works in America, then it's all wrong.
These kinds of topics stress me out to much.
Maybe it's a southern thing?
The idea of having one person that everybody depends on isn't very comforting.
And yes, I know about the Supreme court and checks and balances and everything.
All they care about is what the president is going to do for our country next.
And if their goals are horrible and nobody actually focused on that in the first place,
then we're kind of screwed.
One person can be the catalist of change, with his decitions, and his ability to inspire, he can move people to get out and do wat is needed, for good or for wrong,Mahatma Ghandy was one person, even Napoleon and Hitler were one person too.
NOTE: he is trying to unite the country in orther to clean the mess that was left for him.