Ante, very well argued and relevant points. Everyone on this thread should read them.
I'd also like to say I agree with Sinestra that it's a pleasure to be able to discuss these issues intelligently with everyone interested in the real social trends unfolding around us -- and that just waiting and hoping for the best is no strategy at all.
Another example of how the feminist movement has gone astray is the Duluth procedures. This is a set of procedures police all over North America are supposed to follow when responding to a domestic violence report. Briefly, the police are instructed to arrest and remove the man, regardless of what they find at the scene and even if everyone on the spot says he did nothing wrong. The man is given five minutes to gather his personal effects (money and ID, but not furniture, keepsakes etc.) and led out in handcuffs. As the Wikipedia entry for the Duluth Model says:
the Duluth framework depends on a strict "patriarchal violence" model and presumes that all violence in the home and elsewhere has a male perpetrator and female victim. It explicitly rejects any concept of mutuality or symmetry in abusive relationships.
However, as I've demonstrated in response to Miss Misa's original post, the sociological studies on the phenomenon of domestic violence unanimously point out that women are just as likely to commit, initiate or escalate domestic violence as men. This comes as a surprise to most people, who have been pretty much brainwashed to accept the Duluth view summarized above.
And that is one way feminism is doing evil in the world. Its reputation is tainted as a result.
I accept that feminism has been and is a force for good in other ways.