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CrazyLee (Offline)
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01-21-2009, 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by TomoyaIchigo View Post
DBZ may be good (for 3yr old kidz)... sorry cant agree with you...

It's the most disgrace to all the anime ever produced.
What kinda baka still watch power coming out of nowhere like magician!?
I mean most action anime do come with power... but DBZ is jux too plain...
And the plot... it made a full crap of laughing stock out of Buddhism history.
Well... it's not same till end but started off with such low, humiliating plot.

Most of all... the main character voice is too gay...
I like DBZ, does that give me a mental age of 3? A lot of stuff starts with a lame plot. Take a look at the Gundam's: its a rehash of roughly the same story repeated again and again. And yet, Gundam is still full of awesome-sauce.
Its one thing to dislike an anime, but its another to claim that its a disgrace to the medium in total. I find some anime's terrible, I have a huge amount of distaste for certain animes which everyone seems to love, but I follow the approach of 'each to there own'.
And the voice acting/dubbing is something completely differant to the anime story itself. So was it the story or the voice acting that you didnt like about it?

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