Originally Posted by isisbathory
Oh I have got one of those, I bought it portugal for carnival I bought it for 3euros, so if you look carefully you will see it quite cheap...
I really don't want a cheap one, but thank you.
I appreciate you replying.
Originally Posted by Pexster
Hey my uncle when he went to Japan
he brought back an umbrella and some other
things. But that was ages ago.
The one i have i green, but it is so old we can't use it.
So i think it is normal to have one. Heck if i had
one(that isn't old) i would walk around town with it.!!
Do you have a picture of the one you have?
Thank you.
Originally Posted by Gwen_Goth
I'd say go for it ^^
i have an old battered one i picked up in a charity shop here; it's plain (natural) paper with painting on it; it's really nice, but too old to use (i think its actually Chinese);
i'd consider buying one for proper use but we get some really strong winds here and i wouldn't want to break it
Thank you.
Huh. What does it look like?
We sometimes get strong winds, too. So, I wouldn't be able to use it on a regular basis.