Originally Posted by Enkidu22
And about the "men are as likely to be victims of domestic violence as women" thing, this cites research by Murray Straus, Suzanne Steinmetz, and Richard Gelles, as well as a host of other self-report surveys. Those using this "fact" tend to conveniently leave out the fact that Straus and his colleague's surveys as well as data collected from the National Crime Victimization Survey (Bureau of Justice Statistics) consistently find that no matter what the rate of violence or who initiates the violence, women are 7 to 10 times more likely to be injured in acts of intimate violence than are men.
Enkidu, thank you! Now we're getting somewhere. I missed your earlier post, and I'm sorry about that. Cool handle, by the way
You're right about the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCS) -- it's a large-scale, two-gender study of crime, and it consistently finds that male perpetration is significantly higher than female perpetration of domestic violence. (I'll talk about the specific question of injury in a minute.)
However, Geller and Steinmetz do not find this. Basically, the emphasis on "crime" introduces methodological problems: female victimization of men does not generate police reports, and asking respondents about "crime" elicits very different answers than asking about "domestic abuse" -- basically, women are likely to regard domestic abuse as a crime (as they should!) while men are less so.
Now, BCD finds, as you say, that the rate of physical injury resulting from male partner violence is 3 times greater than from female partner violence. Also, women constitute three-quarters of the murder victims in domestic violence.
However, the authors of BCD also point out that:
1. There are as many, and possibly more, couples where the female partner is the only one to use physical violence as there are couples where the male partner is the only one to use violence.
2. Women initiate acts of intimate violence as often as men.
3. Male and female partner violence is overwhelmingly utilized as a method of coercive control.
So, basically, women are as likely as men to try it on. It's just that men are better at getting the job done.
Anyway, Enkidu, thanks for a valuable contribution. You forced me to crack open the books and do my homework!