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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-22-2009, 03:27 AM

Originally Posted by superheel View Post
There's a difference between now and 2000 years ago. Technology uses chemicals which are not present 2000 years ago. So, I think that's a valiud answer to that. Because 2000 years ago, all men can do to pollute earth is trash and fire. Actually, there's not alot of trash back then.
You are incorrect. If the chemicals man is using now were not present on earth 2000 years ago, where did man get them? Outer space? All chemicals used by man originate on earth, meaning that they have always been here.

What is trash made of? Paper, which comes from trees, metals, which come from the soil, and plastic, which is refined from petroleum, which also comes from the soil. Petroleum is called a "fossil fuel", meaning that it is formed from decayed plants and animals.

Many of these chemicals which we "pollute" the earth with are harmful in the short term, but they eventually break down into their original state, and return to the soil from which they came.
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