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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-22-2009, 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
So you want to go into extinction rates? Fortunatly, our habitat will be the last to go, as it is atrificial. But, for that matter, yes, people are starving to death in Africa. Why? Not actually global warming, but a tied in concept; logging the forests up river...

40% of the worlds rain is from forests. After that, the water that falls on the forest is stored in its roots. A large tree can hold about a medium swimming pool worth of water. Africa has distinct wet and dry seasons. This means that in the dry seasons the rivers can only continue to flow if there is a large forest up stream slowly releasing the water from its roots. The forests are gone, the farming seasons are halved. Starvation.

The problem goes a lot further than that... shall I continue? ... yes, I shall.

With the rivers running dry there is less sediment delivered to the ocean. This sediment is one of the food sources for krill. Krill are the bottom of the food chain. They are important. By weight, krill is the most abundant species on this planet. The krill stocks are depleting due to lack of food from river sediment.

Now, the Africans have a miracle solution to dry rivers! Chemicals! So, these poisinous fertilizers used to make the crops grow when dry are making their way into the river, and being delivered to the ocean along with the little sediment. That means poison food for the krill. The krill store the chemical in their bodies.

Now, everything in the sea almost eats the krill. You see, little fish eat the krill, store the poison in their bodies, then whales eat the fish, store the poison, so on so on. Then we eat the fish. Now, a Japanese womens breast milk is so toxic that it would not be allowed out of the country were it in any other container than her breasts. Luckily, we can bottle feed, and stop the African fertilizer from being passed to our babies. However, for animals like the sperm whale, bottle feeding just wont work. So the what whales the Japanese dont eat will eventually diminish from poison...

And who is going to think twice before they buy their next big wodden bed or wardrobe or building a wooden house?

I dont believe you will find the truth about this shit in school. You must study to learn facts, and piece the theory together yourself. The theories in school are often political pop culture...

I think you'd be surprised. I have been studying for a long time now. Not just science or natural history, but I also enjoy fighting sports which are more technical than they look.

In the end, a gut instinct often pays off. Not to mention, most of Einsteins theories are now known as wrong. Clearly, had had his facts muddled, yet him having faith in his work, regardless it was wrong, has made a truly great building block for our science today, which may also be wrong, but we trust in our work and blindly move forward into the unknown.

... Right... who fed you that?

You ever heard of a snowball earth? Well, about 600 million years ago, before complex life, the entire earth started to freeze over. There is even evidence of massive ice bergs existing in the equator.

The problem was, once ice gets a grip it is really hard to shake off. It compliments itself; the more ice that exists, the more sun light is reflected, and it starts to consume. Lucky for us this massive assed volcano blew its arse. Just one volcano. But it spewed so much CO2 into the air that it is believed in just 300 years the planet went from minus 40 celcius to plus 40 celcius... thank god for carbon dioxides heating effect, or we'd not be here now... of course, times have existed where antarctica was a tropical rain forest, but that is another story, one we don't want to see again.

This is not right. The plants drain energy from the sun. Crops absorb heat and drink water and give nothing back to the planet. Who ever told you this is full of it.

Well, the most influencial creature to exist before us was stromatolites. A small algae type cell that uses the suns energy and carbon dioxide as fuel. They congregate to form what looks like a corally rock.

They made the first oxygen. Spewed it out as a bi product. Thing was, there was so much iron in the atmosphere that the oxygen rusted with it and fell to the ground and could not do much. It is because of this process is the reason we have everything metalic today. The iron ore mines are from these little critters. Thank them.

Well, eventually the iron in the air was depleted, and the oxygen flourished. They killed 95% of living things because of the oxygen. Life was not used to such a corosive atmosphere.

So, one species can cause mass extinction from releaseing an unfavored gas... us being so dominant, I am starting to think you make this shit up, and are not getting your theories from actual history...

Oh, and yes, 99.9999% of all species ever lived are extinct. That IS four decimal points.

No reason. Anyway, your space ship is fueled and ready for a flight to mars just for you!

Well, there was these Asia-Pacific island nations that no longer exist... seems their islands have gone missing! They live in NZ now.

Besides, levels are not supposed to rise until something big like Greenland melts.
Nope, these islands did not disappear due to global warming. In the last 50 years the seas have risen an amount equal to the width of a human hair.

These islands disappeared because the islanders dynamited the reefs surrounding them to allow easier access for boats. Unfortunately, this also allowed natural tidal forces to inundate the islands.

As for the decrease in rainfall in Africa, how can you blame global warming? If, in fact, the seas were getting warmer, evaporation would increase, causing increased cloud formation and rain. You are demonstrating a fact which refutes global warming, not one which supports it.

Do you know why Africans are starving? Because their population has increased to a point beyond that which their form of agriculture can support. Add to that the political corruption which loots the people's wealth. Prior to the government of Zimbabwe's confiscation of white-owned farms, Zimbabwe was a food-exporting nation. Now the people are starving. They have the land, the tools, and the water, what they lack is the ability or desire to make use of them.

The global warming hysteria has caused a dramatic increase in the demand for bio-fuels. But, the material most often used for bio-fuel is corn, which is also a food item. People are starving, but it is because the bio-fuel boom has caused food prices to increase beyond what the very poor can pay. Added to that fact is that land which was once being used to grow food products is now being used to grow bio-fuel material. And, yes, rain forests are also being cut down to increase bio-fuel production. Brazil uses nothing but bio-fuel to power its vehicles, how much rain forest did they have to cut down to produce it?

Crops do not trap heat, they reflect it, so once again you are stating something which is contrary to fact. Rain forests trap heat, water vapor in the atmosphere traps heat, large cities trap heat, but crops do not.

The most common poison appearing in salt water fish is not pesticide or fertilizer, but mercury, which is naturally occurring. Fertilizers are a problem, but they are not related to global warming in any way, since global warming is not happening, and has no effects on agriculture. If Co2 levels are increasing as stated by the IPPC, then agriculture should be thriving.

Krill are not the bottom of the food chain. Zooplankton and phytoplankton are. Whales do not exist entirely on krill, they eat both types of plankton as well. Large amounts of fresh water river run off have been shown to kill plankton, so water run off is good and bad.

Co2 accounts for less than 4% of the earth's greenhouse gases. And its classification as a greenhouse gas is iffy at best. There are times in earth's history when Co2 levels were 1000 times higher than they are now, and life existed just fine. The hockey stick chart used by the IPCC to chart increases in Co2 is false, and has been discredited. Contrary studies show that Co2 levels in the early 19th century are nearly identical to the levels which we are seeing now.

You say you have been studying. What school do you go to? Are you in college now? As far as I can tell, you seem to have picked up your knowledge from the same place as anyone else, news headlines and popular fiction.

Last edited by Sangetsu : 01-22-2009 at 09:39 AM.
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