Originally Posted by Bureda
Clearly you're chatting shit. Bar none.
Romance can be successful and bitter under any tradition. What you read is an extreme view of romance. In the real domain of human existence a man is unable to catch a bullet with his teeth, save the world and have a harem.
chatting shit!?
Like you say "Romance can be successful and bitter regardless of any condition or environment"... that is what make this topic alive...
Ya.. human cant catch a bullet... coz that is physical and is beyond reality...
But we are talking about romance... love... with is emotional...
means... can be beyond imagination...
but each and everyone experience differently...
that why I wanna talk about it...
still if I say like that.... it's too wide too discuss and the thread be in mess...
so, since we r in japanese forum, this thread is all about romance happening in Japan...
But cant help.... so far i see more member from American than from Japan...
and they start talking highly of themselves hoping some girl read their strong opinion and fall for them...
I wouldn't join this forum if i knew that earlier...
Wanted to know more about Japan instead only I got info about how western guy so desperate to have a Japanese girl...
speaking of which.. u might think m one of them... i cant say no... but m not..
lately i was deep in manga and really wanted to know if they are jux mangakas' imagination or real Japanese culture...
And also m looking for Jpop recommendation when I found this forum....
Anyway... looks like i gotta ask admin to close down my thread since I, myself feel like rubbish aldy...