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noodle (Offline)
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01-22-2009, 10:19 AM

Tenchu, me mentioning school was to show you that I DID NOT listen to what the teachers said, but that I went to study it myself...

Okay. Let me start by answering “What is Science?” The most basic definition of science only contains 3 words. Observation, Theory (creating a model being a branch of this) and prediction. Science also goes in that order. You observe, then you theorise (create a model if you can), then you predict things. After that, the cycle restarts. Once you’ve predicted, you observe again etc, if you find something new or different or wrong, you amend your theory. That is the basic principles of Science.
So unfortunately, Science has nothing to do with faith, unless you’re talking about having faith in your theory while it goes round the cycle which ends up proving the theory correct or incorrect. But I wouldn’t call that faith. Hope would be a better choice of words for me!

Anyway the language of Science is maths. Numbers! So I’m going to start talking about some numbers concerning Global warming!

We humans produce around 8*10^9 tons (8 gigatons) of CO2 per year. We know that half of that stays in the atmosphere, where as the rest is... lets just say, food for plants and the oceans etc.
Scientists also know that there is about 740*10^9 (740 gigatons) of CO2 in the atmosphere already. Basic maths shows that we only add 0.5% of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

Now, let’s have a looks at the numbers for Mother Nature. The oceans themselves produce almost 100 gigatons of CO2 per year. Plants around 70 gigatons of CO2. No matter which scientists’ research and numbers are almost the same. Some will say 6 gigatons compared to 8. Others will say 60 compared to 70 etc.

Anyway, the point is that Natures CO2 emissions are always over 30:1

So, WE humans can’t even create as much CO2 as Mother Nature even if we tried.
I have yet to find the exact figures for the intake of CO2 by Mother Nature and how it’s affected by deforestation etc. As soon as I find them, I’ll post them up! But from what I remember, it hasn’t changed severely due to deforestation, however, personally, I still don’t think agree with abusing the planet.

Tenchu, you also mentioned that something is off because the temp has suddenly risen. I understand the logic in saying that a sudden change is bad for the environment, but unfortunatley, nothing of the sort has happened.

If you look at the temperatues of the earth for the past 150 years, you will see the following.

Prior to 1910ish: there was a cooling. This was attributed to Nature
1910 – 1940ish: A QUICK rise in temperature similar to what we’ve experienced for the past 20 years or so. This is attributed to Nature also.
1940ish – 1980s: a decile in temp. Also attributed to Nature. (The so called next ice-age which was predicted by the same (political) scientists that are pushing this Global Warming thing.
1980s – Present : A rise in temperature similar to 1910 – 1940. Somehow, this is Human made.

Unfortunately, logic now, says that sudden changes in temperature and sudden rises are not uncommon for nature. They have happened before and not more than 150 years ago.

TO BE CONTINUED... Next time will be about Tidewater glacier cycle and other things concerning the life of an Ice cap!!!

Oh and btw Zed, if you believe that 1500 scientists agreed on an EVOLVING theory, then you don't really know science or scientists!

EDIT!!!! BTW, Tenchu, your talk about Africa has nothing to do with Global warming. People have been starving in Africa for the past 3 to 4 thousand years!!! It has nothing to do with Global warming but rather to do with foreign domination or Monarchy type civilisations (such as the Egyptians and Lybians) who thought that they were greater than the people! Give Africans an means to build themselves a life peacefuly and you'll see famine decrease at incredible rates within 2 generations! Toureg people live in the desert! Their conditions are worse than these unfortunate dying Africans!

Last edited by noodle : 01-22-2009 at 10:43 AM.
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